Stock Market Simulator For Students

A stock market simulator is an excellent tool for students looking to learn about trading and investing in stocks without putting any real money at risk. Simulators allow you to use virtual cash to buy and sell stocks using real market data, helping you understand how the stock market works.

Using a simulator is hugely beneficial for gaining first-hand experience in an environment very similar to actual trading platforms. By mastering a simulator, you can learn key concepts of investing, develop and test strategies, and build confidence before putting your own capital on the line.

What is a Stock Market Simulator?

A stock market simulator aims to recreate the experience of actively trading stocks as realistically as possible, without requiring you to risk your own money. Once signed up for a simulator, you are given a starting virtual cash balance, often between $100,000 to $500,000.

You can use this virtual capital to buy and sell stocks and other assets listed on the platform. As you trade, you can track your portfolio performance to see net gains or losses on your positions, just like in a real brokerage account.

Stock prices in a simulator are based on real-time market data, so the performance of your portfolio mimics what it would be if you were actually trading those stocks. This allows you to practice reacting to price movements and help build your decision-making abilities as an investor.

Benefits of Using a Stock Market Simulator

Using a stock market simulator offers numerous benefits for students looking to get investment experience:

Allows Practice Trading Without Risk

Since all trading is done with virtual money, you don’t have to worry about losing any actual capital as you learn. This makes simulators ideal for gaining experience without the stresses of real money losses while you’re still developing skills.

You can experiment with new strategies and high-risk trades without feeling regret if a trade goes against you. This flexibility lets you better understand market dynamics that can inform your future real-money investment approach.

Learn How the Stock Market Works

Trading on a simulator requires you to pay attention to stock prices, market events, and factors that cause daily volatility. As you trade virtual stocks, observing how markets react to earnings reports, economic data, or sector developments will provide valuable insight into stock behavior.

Repeatedly buying and selling also lets you experience firsthand concepts like liquidity, spreads, volatility, portfolio diversity, and many other core investment principles.

Develop Trading Strategies

The freedom to trade simulated stocks or options without risk also makes simulators useful testing grounds for trying out new trading theories.

You can practice day trading strategies involving technical indicators, test long-term portfolio approaches, or experiment with options spreads to see which work best. Evaluating these virtual trades teaches you to develop disciplined, calculated approaches to actual investing.

Build Confidence Before Investing Real Money

Gaining command over the mechanics of ordering, tracking trades, reading price charts, and monitoring daily portfolio performance through a simulator builds general confidence for when you are prepared to begin actual investing.

Having experience finding promising stocks, weighing risk vs. return decisions, and managing positions prepares you to feel less anxious about committing your own capital once you transition to real trading.

Features to Look for in a Stock Simulator

The best stock market simulators for students have the following key features:

Real-Time Market Data and Prices

The simulator should update stock prices in real-time so that you experience reactions to current events. Look for platforms that use live data from NYSE and NASDAQ so virtual trading aligns with actual price moves in the stock market.

Ability to Trade Multiple Assets

A good simulator will allow you to trade stocks, mutual funds, and even options to build a diversified virtual portfolio. Having multiple asset classes to choose from provides more ways to experience different trading strategies.

Practice Different Order Types

You should be able to place common order types like market, limit or stop losses. This helps you learn nuances of different order strategies for both entering and exiting positions.

Virtual Cash to Invest

Having an initial sum of virtual cash lets you practice position sizing, balancing risk across multiple stocks, and managing broader portfolio allocation strategies.

Detailed Portfolio Performance Tracking

In-depth portfolio analysis enables you to monitor daily gains/losses on open positions and evaluate the overall profitability of your virtual trades. This feature is vital for assessing trading strategy success.

Top Stock Market Simulators for Students

Here are some of the best free stock market simulators for students:

Investopedia Simulator

Very user-friendly and offers ample educational resources beyond just simulated trading capabilities alone. A great starting point for beginners.

Wall Street Survivor

Fun and engaging experience that encourages learning through investing games and contests with real market data. Caters well to students.

MarketWatch Virtual Stock Exchange

Allows trading stocks, bonds, mutual funds and offers portfolio tools for analyzing performance. Requires registration with MarketWatch.


Focuses on teaching through simulated trading. Begin with a $100,000 virtual cash account and get live market data as you build a portfolio.

Stock Trak

Popular simulator geared towards university students. Form teams and compete in trading contests against classmates for added excitement.

Tips for Making the Most of Your Simulator

Follow these tips to maximize your learning from a stock market simulator:

Set Goals and Benchmarks

Establish clear metrics for gains, losses or portfolio targets to properly evaluate your trading performance, just like in real investing.

Keep Track of Investments

Pay close attention to the stocks you simulated trade. Evaluate your reasons for entering or exiting positions to improve decision skills.

Learn from Your Mistakes

Don’t beat yourself up over a bad trade. Review losses carefully to understand what went wrong for key lessons about managing future risk.

Start with Virtual Cash, Then Invest Real Money

Allow yourself to achieve consistent simulated gains over months before attempting actual stock investments. Be patient and avoid rushing into real capital before you are completely ready.


Key Takeaways

– Stock market simulators provide an invaluable hands-on investment learning experience, with no financial risks involved.

– Allow yourself to thoroughly practice identifying promising stocks, develop smart position management habits, test theories, and understand how markets react.

– Approach simulations as opportunities for mistakes so you can learn from losses and build analytical skills over time.

 Stock Market Simulators Help Build Investing Skills

Mastering a stock market simulator is among the smartest preparatory steps you can take before putting your own money into stocks. Make the most out of your virtual trading experience before activating real brokerage accounts.

Choose One That Best Fits Your Needs

Each trading simulator has unique features, asset classes, and learning methods. Evaluate your goals and select one that will provide an engaging platform to grow through over time.

Use Simulators as a Stepping Stone to Smart Investing

The hands-on experience you gain will prove invaluable when you make the transitions into actual stock investments or exploring other asset classes. Let simulations guide you steadily towards smart capital allocation habits.


What is the best stock simulator for beginners?

Investopedia and Wall Street Survivor offer excellent stock simulators specifically geared towards investing newbies, with ample educational resources that explain core concepts every step of the way.

Do you make real money on a stock market simulator?

No, stock market simulators only allow you to practice trading stocks with virtual cash balances. They are meant for risk-free learning. Only real brokerage accounts allow you to deposit actual capital and earn actual profits/losses from investing.

How much virtual money is given in a stock simulator?

Most stock simulators provide starting virtual cash balances between $100,000 to $500,000. This allows enough of a “bankroll” to practice diversity trades across assets and implement position management strategies.

Can I short a stock on a simulator?

Yes, most stock trading simulators aimed at students have functionality for short selling stocks. This allows you to practice trading both the long and short side to implement broader investment strategies.

Are there simulator contests to win prizes?

Some stock simulators offered by universities or trading education platforms have contests allowing students to compete for prizes based on portfolio performance. These contests incentivize actively trading the simulator to build skills.


Hey, Myself John Cena owner of PrimeRandom. I am full time stock market investor and part time wrestler. The vision behind this site is to educate people about stock market and trading.

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